DONNE, IMPRENDITORIA, LIBERTA’: Prendi in mano la tua vita
Workshop condotto da Cinzia Rascazzo, economista, social entrepreneur e conoscitrice del mercato americano. (“the English version is at the bottom of the page”)

DOVE: Coworking Artem | Museo Castromediano – Lecce

CALENDARIO WORKSHOP: Sabato 16 dicembre 2023 | ore 15:30 – 18:30

DONNE, IMPRENDITORIA, LIBERTA’: Prendi in mano la tua vita, รจ un workshop per donne imprenditrici, ambiziose, competenti ma bloccate che vogliono creare un business profittevole, che le valorizzi e le renda economicamente indipendenti e libere.
Il workshop, che si terrร  il 16 dicembre alle 15:30 presso il coworking Artem, nel Museo Castromediano di Lecce, รจ rivolto sia a giovani donne imprenditrici che hanno giร  avviato una idea imprenditoriale che a donne dipendenti del settore privato e pubblico, che vogliono reinventarsi e cambiare carriera.
Obiettivo del workshop รจ insegnare alle donne come creare un lifestyle business (che quindi non รจ destinato a diventare un unicorno) e che non ha bisogno di investitori, รจ profittevole e permette di conciliare lavoro e vita personale.
Durante il workshop si valuteranno anche i settori su cui ci sono opportunitร  di medio-lungo periodo ed i consumatori/mercati che consentiranno di cogliere tali opportunitร  con un lifestyle business e da Lecce.

Cinzia Rascazzo, economista, social entrepreneur e conoscitrice del mercato americano. Da 15 anni, crea brands e Lifestyle Business rivolti al mercato americano da Lecce e nei settori della salute, turismo esperienziale, agricoltura sostenibile.
Prima di rientrare a Lecce, ha lavorato per aziende americane nei settori farmaceutico, food e finanza in Italia, Londra e New York (Johnson & Johnson, Kraft/Unigate, Eli Lilly, Goldman Sachs).
Ha conseguito un MBA in Business Administration ad Harvard, Boston ed รจ nel Board dellโ€™Associazione AgriFood degli Alumni di Harvard.

โ€ข โ‚ฌ 97 per iscrizioni entro il 15/12/2023
Laboratorio organizzato in collaborazione con Hora Aps
โ€ข invia una e-mail a

English version
Women, Entrepreneurship, Freedom: Empowering women to take control of their lives
A workshop for ambitious, competent but stuck women entrepreneurs who want to create a profitable business that makes them thrive and financially independent and free.

The workshop, taking place at Castromediano Museum Lecce, in the *Coworking Artem space*, at 3.30pm on December 16th, is for women entrepreneurs who have already launched a business as well as for women working in the private/public sectors who want to reinvent themselves and change career.
Goal of the workshop is to teach women how to create a lifestyle business (which is not meant to become a unicorn business) and which does not need investors, is profitable and provides work-life balance.
During the workshop, we will also go through the sectors, target consumers and markets that may have medium-long term opportunities, as well as the most effective ways to reach out to them with a lifestyle business, from Lecce.

The workshop is held by economist and social entrepreneur CinziaRascazzo. She knows very well the American market/consumers and for the past 15 years, sheโ€™s been creating lifestyle businesses in the health, experiential tourism and sustainable agriculture sectors, targeting American consumers, from Lecce.
Before coming back to Lecce, she worked for American companies in the pharma, food and financial sectors in Italy, London and New York (Johnson & Johnson, Kraft / Unigate, Eli Lilly, Goldman Sachs). She has an MBA in Business Administration from Harvard, Boston and is on the Board of the Harvard AgriFood Alumni Association

โ„น PRICE:
โ€ข โ‚ฌ 97 for registrations by 12/15/2023
Workshop organized in collaboration with Hora Aps
โ€ข send an email to
โ€ข the worshop will be held in Italian